those ubiquitous shots of Jameson

often chased by PBR

or Yuengling or Genny Cream

the Phillies game is 0-0

middle 5th

No wonder we count on spirits’

to raise ours

a few people feign interest

It’s late May

holiday weekend

way too early

to get excited about baseball

but a shot of Jameson

a pint of Lager

conversations deviate

from sports to less pure matters

those more prurient impulses

begin to rise

but mostly braggadocio

Most of us are too drunk anyway

A few cheers

as the Phillies take the lead

also a plethora of indifference

I reckon I’m getting drunk

and not giving a shit

I probably won’t know the final score

until tomorrow morning

and somehow

that doesn’t bother me at all



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