

I guess

I bother you


I’m an animal

that just might

have superior intellect


I’m like a subterranean version

of the Planet of the Apes;

the less civilized man

strumming on the strings

of a broken guitar


Distasteful habits;

peculiar mannerisms

It doesn’t matter to me

so why should it matter to you?


And this is really

a serious problem for some people

but I can do nothing

to help them out


I’m that savage aboriginal

they found in the outback

and with cuts and abrasions

and a glazed eye glance

to sift in your direction


I find the night pleasant

I soar with endless dreams

and I hide under a rock

rather than fight

an unnecessary battle


No one really needs

the anger and the hatred

and like the forest animal

I don’t understand

the burning down of trees

and the pollution

of the rivers and lakes


I don’t know how

to express my rage

I just want to survive

and live thru it all


Is that too much to ask?

I guess it is

since my voice

seems to carry in the wind

without ever being heard


like a dog barking

in the rain

I seek the shelter and warmth

of a good home


like a visionary leper

I wear my scars

with pride and skepticism

never fully taking

myself too seriously


I guess

I still hunger

for things I can’t have

In the end

I was truly human

Just one more human being




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