

The first time

I saw Sun Ra perform

was back in 1984


there was a place

in Manhattan

on 23rd Street

called the Squat Theatre


I don’t know

if it’s still there


It was a tiny space

just one set of bleachers

and the band on the floor


I hadda duck under

the trombone player

to get up to go

to the bathroom


I had no idea

what to expect

I had only read about

Sun Ra in High Times

I never actually heard

him before this show


It was trip

I was glad I went

when he started jamming


I even got

to meet him

after the show


and he was one strange cat

He was like,

“Reagan is not the way.

Breshnev is not the way.

Ra is the way!”


I was like, “Okay.”

as I started

to gracefully take

backward steps

toward the door


I was 18 at the time

and it was a little more

than an 18 year old mind

short of Rimbaud

is designed to handle


but I did survive

and even learned to relish

that space is

 indeed the place to be


It seems we all

end up there finally
one way or another       

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