rejection slips
add up;
pile up on the drawer
and it hurts
a little
and then
it doesn’t matter
they have
their opinions
and I have mine
and ultimately
there’s a whole big world
called the real world
out there
and all them
have their own opinions, too
and some are wolves
others are sheep
there are tigers
and there are snakes
and two toed sloths
and glorious parrots
If I said humankind
was the worst animal
many would agree
and that’s the perspective
that makes it
easier to tolerate
my ego gets bruised worse
by women who don’t care
about poetry—or me
it always seems
to be revived
after a little sulking
and two or three beers
and I settle
for great sax
instead of great sex
(only Clinton gets both)
And I think
okay, another person
doesn’t dig my stuff
that seems
to be a consequence
of being an outsider
that seems to be the plight
of the new guy on the block
it’s raining today but
the sun’s supposed
to come out tomorrow