sipping on
an Old Rasputin Imperial Stout
and beginning
to wax nostalgic
for the old high school days
I learned a lot
about Russian history
and Father Gregory Rasputin
from a 9th grade
social studies teacher
obsessed with Russian history
he taught us
Ivan the Great
Ivan the Terrible
& Kinky Cathy—
Catherine the Great
he sponsored
an Ivan the Terrible
torture contest
which I, of course, won
I’ve long since renounced
human cruelty
around the same time
I renounced
the Catholic Church
(the two seem
to go hand in hand)
this guy was a trip
and pretty much
everyone in class
called him Uncle Chuck
I remember a couple years
working third shift
as a busboy
at a local diner
and he came in 3 AM
for some breakfast
he was approaching
a state of drunkenness
and I said “Hello”
but knowing
to keep this a secret
hey, it was Saturday night
on his own time
but school boards
don’t always see it that way
but in his defense
I have to say
I retained more knowledge
from his class
than just about
any other class I had
I guess that
should count
for something
School is supposed
to prepare kids for life
I wasn’t old enough
that night at the diner
but tonight I raise
my beer glass in a toast,
Uncle Chuck,
for a job well done.