Other customs
are always interesting
I was in a Korean restaurant
and the subject
of eating cats and dogs came up
The rather cute waitress
explained to me
that it was actually rare
only really a few men did it
because it made them more virile
I told her that I had a dog
and I couldn’t seeing eating him
Her English was limited
and she misunderstood me
and informed me
that she knew how to cook dogs
and could cook mine for me
I had to explain to her
no, my dog is my friend
and you don’t eat your friends
(not that way, anyway
but we won’t go there)
but I must admit
I went home that night
and md my dog was being
a royal pain in the ass
I started thinking,
“Hmmm, Sparky burgers.”
Well, they say when in Korea
do as the Koreans
Luckily for Sparky
this is not Korea