it drives me to drink
it drives me to smoke
it urges me to trip on acid
at Grateful Dead shows
it causes me to fuck girls
in the back seats of cars
It makes me a saint
It makes me a sinner
It drives me to euphoria
& hysteria along the way
It urges a quickie
at the Marriott in Cincy
and riding without a seatbelt
It opens the highway
and pulls me to another state
It makes me reclusive
It makes me an infidel
It encourages shots of brandy
at dawn and pre-work bowls
of blonde hashish
It leads to the dribbling
of virtuous behavior
and requests Chinese dinner
and Yoruban drumming
It drives me insane
and keeps one at a distance
It dictates the path of life
and pitstops along the way
and through the corrosion
still ultimately brings
It drives me to drive. . .