Well, it seems for over twenty five years
I've been living in a lavender haze
Muffled in lost dreams and solitude tears
Imprisoned in a delusional maze
If the scarlet petals did not flower
I faulted severely on just myself
Endowing you with all the great power
To shove my feelings on an empty shelf
Each insecurity caused me to fear
The burning sun and the shadows of night
Anxiously wondering when I would hear
The sting from the violence of your flight
Tearful frustration and endless sorrows
Confusing these issues with ire and grief
Dreading the days and all my tomorrows
Watching you steal my esteem like a thief
Ashamed of this and so guilty of that
Enduring all just for one word of praise
The outrage, the denial, the cold, hard fact
A terrified mouse cornered in a maze
But, soon, the haze will be gone forever
And I will rise with fortitude and life
I will shed these chains in fields of heather
The lavender winds will scatter my strife.