I could get lost in your hazel eyes as I slowly run my fingers
through your brown hair.
I watch as you are looking at me.
As you looking at me, I wonder what you are thinking about.
Shelly Lynn what are you thinking about.
I could hold you as we could feel something inside us changing.
I could get lost in your beautiful hazel eyes
and I could see something in them.
I watch as the light is coming back to them.
I could reach out
and see if you shall come to me.
We could see how much we can fall
or how it would feel to just to freefall.
If I could I would be there with you
so you break down you would have me there to hold you.
I could get lost in this feeling
but I have been careful.
It is fragile right now
and could easily break.
Maybe we could be caught in imagine rainstorm.
We could watch the rainfall as we hold each other.
I could get lost in your beautiful hazel eyes as I run my finger
through your beautiful brown hair.
we could see each other even if it happen in our dreams.