To my grandmother

To my grandmother

You are my

grandmother but to

us your grandchildren

you were like

a second mother.

Even after papa

went you stay strong.

I have watched you

recently go slowly.

I love you

nanny and I

just want you

with us.

So we do

not need say goodbye.

You help understand

the Lord when

I was young.

I know God

needs another angel

in heaven but

I wish you

were still here

with us.

Everyone that know

you love you.

I will carry

the memories of

life as I was

growing up I hope

your soul will

rest in peace

so we can

one day join

you in heaven.

Rip my grandmother, Edna Bennett McGaha.

-Gene Conner

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I went ahead and finsih because when it is time this poem will come to life.

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