Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ die for so

God would forgive the sins we did.

Jesus Christ is the way to go

and all you have to

do is open your heart

open up to Him.

No matter what God is

there for you so you

are never really alone.

He is there for you through

the good time and

the worst of the time.

We all are brothers and

sisters in His name.

So it you going down

the wrong path

you need to find God

before it is too late.

Jesus Christ and God

always there watching us,

He will love you

even when no one else does.

God and Jesus Christ has

great and most powerful love.

Let together join the family

of Him and his followers

and together we can  

-Gene Conner

August 9, 2005

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem about the way i feel.

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