A year later
Kelly and Mike sitting in their living room.
The date is Dec 22, Three day before Christmas.
Mike went to buy roses for her from the same store
they meet at.
On the way home he gets in to a fight with this
guy and Mike pulls out a gun.
The other day he saw this guy in his house.
It was Mike's friend.
Out of nowhere David shows up and shot
Mike in the chest. This time he did it on purpose.
Turns out that Kelly is his ex-girlfriend.
Mike laids there bleeding from his wound badly.
Kelly rushs to his side and take him to the hospital.
Three hours later the doctor comes out and tells Kelly
.Kelly-How is he?
The doctor says to her he has died from his wound on his chest.
Kelly starts crying. The Date Dec 24th.
He never got give her the rose but, she did get something from him that can be
replaced. His undying love.
That is something that everyone should never took for granted.
-Gene Conner