Those nights I use to think

Those nights I use to think about looking into your beautiful eyes

 and see everything in them.

Those nights I would think about holding your hand

and show you that I am here for you.

Those nights we would talk about love

and I would hide to hide my true feelings for you.

Those nights I want to reach out and just hold you in my arms.

Those nights I want to tell you everything but we are just friends.

Those nights I use to think about how it would feel to get a second chance for what I felt.

Those nights I use to think about looking into your beautiful eyes

and see what I feel already for you.

Those nights might never happen but I think about those nights in the darkness

Those nights I use to think about looking into your eyes

and I would want to run my fingers through your hair.

Those nights are just dreams or am I looking at possible chance



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