Jacob you were a good dog.
You and I became friends for the ten years I got to know you.
You were protective when I was there to protect her.
You became a dog that I love and for that, I will miss you.
It is going to feel weird not seeing you every week.
Now you can protect us from heaven.
Jacob you still a good dog and God need you there with Him.
You are good dog that need to go.
We will miss you but you did what you were train to do.
Jacob you was a doggone good dog and we will miss you.
I love you boy and there is not going to another one like you.
Jacob Abernathy you were there for us when we need you.
You were there when I could not help her.
You were there and we really feel like you picked me out
to take over when it was time for you to go.
Jacob, friend you are in better place and for that you are happy.
Jacob we will good in time.
You were the first thing when I notice her that night
and for that I will be thankful for. Now you can watch us in heaven
or what we called the big dog park.
You are up there with my other dogs
I got know over the years
and with your friends.
Jacob thanks for all of the years that we share and I will miss you boy.
May your soul rest in Peace.
I will see you one day again just I promised, I will keep her safe as long I can.
Love you Jacob.
March 28th, 2000- May 8, 2012
Jacob Abernathy
-In memory of one of the best dogs I got to know-
Gene Conner
May 10, 2012