speak dummy, don't hold your peace
don't let others decide for you, learn to stand
on your own two feet
opting to sit on the sidelines and let others think for you
is it really the right thing to do?
what are you afraid of, you think your voice doesn't count?
think your two cents won't add up to the right amount
you complain about the system and don't like
how the government is ran
when things go wrong, you're quick to point the finger
at the next man
many a men have died for you to exercise your right to vote
you open your mouth, but it's his/her words that were spoke
you're unhappy with our leader for the next four years
just because you thought if you voiced your opinion
it would fall on deaf ears
jobs are hard to find and the economy is fucked
while you sit in the laps of the government and just
bitch about the luck
this is what happens when you let your neighbor decide
it doesn't matter anyway because you'tre just along for the ride
as a people, we often say that we want more
but end up settling for less
but those are our thoughts, who really would've guessed?
we sit motionless like dummies, can't ever hear em
just mere puppets, we can spew our views,
but not wise enough to share em
it's like we're discontented from tremendous taxes,
but we'll still be okay
just as long as I get my check on Thursday
our so called leaders rule with the iron hand
funding our government, military defense and high economic plans
he takes that same hand and shoves it up our asses
for his own pleasure
and it gets no better beyond such drastic measures
unless we write letters
our mouths are wide open, but nothing comes out
folks see Election Day as a joke, get out!!
we get pulled by the strings and look to see what conformity brings
when our basic concerns are rims, jeans and gold rings
well here's a pair of pants I think that fits
it's called "get up and be heard" for your benefit
just simply contribute your words and thoughts....go to the polls
and realize the powers you possess now plays a dominant role
Just a public service announcement to say that your voice does count.
VOTE 2006, although this piece was done in 2004.
A.Bonaparte aka GeminiStar
S. Mask aka Amnesia