When One Door Closes, Another One Opens

please, let's observe this twisted plot

on how a man in his right mind leaving you to rot

you're not the problem, he just doesn't know what he had

he blow away in the wind like the latest fad

I know you've been writing out your soul and lost in thought

on the many times he abused you and the battles you fought

a boy does what he wants, but a man does what he has to

I ask you, why did he treat you like fast food

rest assured, sugar, you're a home cooked meal

and apparently he never took the time to wait

so where's my plate?

cuz there's nothing like a precious heart broken

choking from sickness from a lonely space open

I'm willing to bet no doctor has this potion

here's a kiss to serve as your ibuprofen

a woman like yourself is truly one of a kind

and I will wait till I'm old and gray till you be mine

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another feel good piece I did back in '04.

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