Hating Me

I hate you for never giving me your whole heart

I hate you for making me feel like shit

I hate you for making me feel like nothing

Like I deserved nothing better

Like I could have nothing better than what I deserved

Which was, shit,


I hate you for making me feel like you had to be forced to do anything that was important to me

I hate you for me believing that that was normal

I hate you for the infectious creation of my dysfunctional view of myself

Unworthy of Self or any type of love

Unworthy of joy or any type of happiness

Unable to distinguish between Love & Abuse

Because Abuse was my normality & Love always hurt

In my world abuse was love and love without abuse was


He can't love you if he doesn't hurt you

If he doesn't hurt you, he doesn't Love you

He doesn't love you

He doesn't love you

Because you are unLoveable

Because you are worthless

Because you will never amount to anything

BEcause you are nothing

Because you are nothing

And I hate you for making me hate me.

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