attention deficit day

i always have this image

of us seeing each other

again and running into

an embrace

         o wait, you have

         another phone call

         on the other line

i see us in this movie scene

that starts with a pile of

clothes and the camera

pans to us in a bed

         you are going where

         for how many days

         with who....

sometimes i like to believe

that you desire me so much

it is hard for you to think

we could actually

         the door opens

         it could be your mom

         or the neighbor

         and you part starting

         a conversation about

         your garden

for hours i am

licking your boobies

just relishing the

texture of

         then of course you

         have to go, you have

         plans to see sha*ron

         she needs to talk to you

         about how much time

         she doesn't have

my hand feels so comfortable

in yours because you have

decided hold my fingers

is the most important thing

you could do and

         today is the lucky day

         you get to spend the day

         at your home, all alone

         your mom is at church


i am gem*boy the magician

and i will make your panties


         the food channel

         is preparing sushi

and your heat is all

i need

         you can hear the

         sizzle of oil in

         the pan

and the sizzle

of girl juice

         and the narrator

         gently talks about

         a romantic menu

and you are dessert

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