About India

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India is...you see
A phenomenon that was never meant to be


Far too long, far too wide
has stretched the never ending divide
between cultural issues and political opinions
and the very identity of faceless billions


North, south, east or west
A never ending saga of unrest
A nation with history enraptured
And a future, forever fractured


A people susceptible to illusion
with a fervor that borders on delusion
a government that takes pride in its gumption
to legitimize all forms of corruption


A culture fixated on division
with passion rivaling any mathematician
religion, color, race or cast
lineage and ancestors past
language, dialect or accent
income and social placement
Indians can never be satisfied
until in a category one has been classified
such customary majuscule
is often precursor to Divide and Rule


India is well..a fallacy
a phenomenon that was never meant to be
and yet for all our faults
We are still here..as you can see

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