Allah, grant me with the strength and resolve to carry out your most holy of wars. May I wage a jihad against the infidel who invades my country. In union with your command to " Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter." May i be granted the strength to destroy those who come to pervert your Holy name, for we are told you are "an enemy to the unbeliver." They try and corrupt my children with ideas of greed, lust, sodomy, idolatry, and apostacy. They come in an attempt to make us like them, to convert us into the Great Satan they are. They speak of equality amongst our women, and tell us we do not have rule of our families. They want our women to be like they're own-- whores. Their barbaric ways have slandered and defiled you and your Holiest of Prophets. They urinate upon the Koran and expect peace. Their unclean heathen mouths speak of a world where you alone do not rule, a world where holy and unholy, righteous and unrighteous live in union, a world where a man is not the master of his family, a world where You Allah are not the master of our destiny. By what logic can righteous and unrighteous be viewed as equal? Time and time again does the Great Satan seek to gift us with Democracy!! Democracy- ha!- they speak of it like it is a gift from you, Allah!!! The Great Satan defiles the sacrament of Marriage with the disgusting union of sodomites-- what a mockery!! Of what evil does the Great Satan bound from? What choice does a righteous man have but to sacrifice himself in Jihad against such an insidiouos enemy as this Great Satan, for Mohammad tells that "prescribed for [us] is fighting, though it is hateful to [us]." The come attempting to destroy us and turn our women into whores, cause or sons to turn towards sin and idolatry, allow for the desecration of marriage, and the destruction of our religon. Oh Allah, bless me in my Jihad against the destruction of the infidel. May my body be consumed for a moment in flames for soon I will be in Paradise for it is written: "Let those fight in the cause of God who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of God, whether he is slain or victorious, soon we shall give him a great reward." In keeping with your commandment to "Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme", I will sacrifice myself. Allah Akbar!!!!!
--- And thus was the final prayer of a righteous Man before he became a Martyr for Islam. He sacrificed himself against the Infidel and now reigns in paradise. His body was destroyed in an instant yet his soul lives forever secure in Allah's bosom. The same infidel who are responsible for their own death are also the ones who bear the responsability for the deaths of our fellow muslims whom were killed that day. They are the sacrafice required to defend against the Infidel. For a Muslim who has died in Jihad against the Infidel is better than a live Muslim who lives amongst the Infidel in peace. May we mourn for our fallen brothers and sisters whom died and suffered as unintended consequences in the Jihad against the Infidel, however they are a Sacrifice for Righteousness. Just as Abraham was commanded to sacrafice his son for righteousness. Allah Akbar!