The balance among living things

Juan Pablo Galindo A00959934

Cristy Jaime A01194076



The balance among living things


Thirteen billion years ago the entire universe was the size of an egg. At some point there was an enormous explosion and little by little the planets formed, the stars multiplied and space expanded and expanded. The gods of the universe convened a meeting at the Great Council of Heaven in order to decide what to do with the little blue planet that they call “Earth”. Filled with lakes and oceans, valleys, and the bluest of skies, the gods wanted to create a happy world. “How should we start the happy world?” asked one god.


“Maybe we should start with a red cardinal and a blue jay flying in the sky,” said another god.


And so they did. It all started with both birds flying through in the sky living gracefully. After a couple of years, they started to get bored and wanted company, so they asked to gods for friends. Then, then gods created mocking birds, eagles, and all types of birds, and the red cardinal and the blue jay were happy again. Time passed and big birds like falcons became greedy and started harming small birds that didn’t agree with them, and this didn’t please the gods. Thus they decided to create raccoons to control the selfish falcons and bring back balance to the world. But this was not fixed. It happened again. So this time, the gods created all land animals, including lions. Gods also created all types of fish, from the great blue whale to sardines. By now the gods had created living things to populate seas, lands, and the skies. To ensure peace and order, they designed three assemblies, one for each kingdom, and a general one for everyone. Each assembly had their elders, these were the cardinal, the lion, and the clownfish. They all started to argue about the needs of each species.

The cardinal said “we need more berries and flowers for our newborns”.

The lion replied “no, we need them because we, land animals, are bigger and need more food to nurture us, if you take the berries away from us, fish will replace berries”.

Then the clownfish said, “You have no right to harm us, we haven’t made you any harm”.

So then, big conflicts were created, and they started harming one another. Gods realized something had to be done.  So, they created earthquakes, hurricanes, exploded volcano’s, and created mayhem in earth. At first no one thought it would impact them, so they didn’t care, but soon, one after another they began to die. And because of the loss of all types of animals, the food chain started to mix things up. This is when they realized that it was a message from the gods, so a great council was again assembled.

Cardinal said, “we need to put to a side our differences and seek the survival of all of us, birds, land animals and fishes”.

Lion replied “I don’t like you cardinal cause you and your fellow winged friends began this, but I agree”.

Clownfish said “we can kill each other, or we can agree that all of us will only take the essential to assurance our future”.

Dog and Cardinal answered “ we agree”.

That day all was the same all birds, land animals, and fishes sang and dance and live gracefully.


The moral of the story is that we need to work together as a team to live in a balanced atmosphere, and keep peace between us. That way we can all fulfill our requirements and needs.

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