Weird thought

I often wonder if life is real.

I start to think maybe my life is just another part of some novel. Sometimes I try to trick those ideas by going back and forth. If I was spontaneous one day, I might not be the next. Then I know there's no way thats real, because it'd be a real shitty book. Countries that can't keep peace (wtf get over it), people committing street crime, more importantly white collar crime. No one ever pays attention to that, and they get away will millions! of your dollars! or a society that tries to force you to adhere to their rules; go to College to get a real job (in the meantime, we'll just keep raising your tuition for no reason), and then try to find a job (Gook luck! because we don't take care of your economy), and need I say more about MSG! it just drives me insane in the membrane (insane, got no brain). I could rant all day about the things I dislike, those are just at the top of my list.

anyway, my life isn't a book... but if i could write it, I'd right it with lots of awesome people surrounding me, and money not being the object of everyones emotions.


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