The Girl Holding my Hand

I awaken in this bed, so soft.
i remember the sensation.
the feel of skin in my hands still.
it must have been a dream.
strange as it may be it must have.
i am here.
im still alive?
i realise just that.
i sit up, only to struck by imense pain.
coughing up the blood that had gathered in my lungs.
i sit quiet, hearing sounds og pain and suffering.
i see all those around me still in bed.
awakend by pain.
i grip my hands tightly, trying to find the girl i carried here.
feeling something in my left hand.
something with a feel so soft and frail.
i turn my gaze slowly, to meet the girl i had saved.
next to my bed sitting on the ground.
holding my hand, firmly.
she sleeps next to my bed holding onto me.
i know not what to do or say. i sit amazed and frightend.
pain shoot´s thru me like there was no other.
my body go numb and trembel out of agony.
but i hold my lips sealed.
smiling and crying my broken heart out.
she is alive and safe.
i saved a life, just like the one whom saved mine.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Red cross encampments on japan ( Part eleven )
Ichinomaki Prefecture. ( Area of event. )

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