The Awakening

I awaken in this chilling state, cold in my bed.
Wraped in my blanket made of woolen.
Drenshed in my tear´s and my fears.
I once again saw my love die.
i stand tall fighting my desire to die.
this darkest houre of the night.
Lunas Grace stands tall in the sky.
I rise from my bed tear eyed, gazing out of my window into the cloud free night sky.
I see all these stars gazeing sorrow fully down upon this world.
I break in tears once again only to bathed in the light of luna´s grace.
Once i see her watching down upon me i remember my sweet sumer romance, Dancing during the Deepest Dusk, Painted in scarlet red drapes of the sky. luna gazing from the darkesst side of this moment.
Dancing with my beloved godess, watched by all stars in this uterly beautyfull world i dance, never stoping, always alive, my heart punding together as one with all, Lunars grace to the stars and to the falling sun to the one woman i loved.
i stand up in this dark luminess.
Awakening back to reality.
-: Gabe´Riel D. Wolfengard.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Lunars Grace ( Part Four )
Luna ( The Moon )

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