
With heavy heart, I must confess
that between us I have a few regrets:

One - that we are no longer friends;

Two - that I must bring this chapter to end;

Three - that you appeared at a time when
my mind and heart were not clear,
any love I felt could not be genuine.

But one thing I did learn
that despite the last line,
I did love you,
though not a perfect or pure love,
as you once did to me define.

I loved you as a drug when ill,
or much like an electrical shock
delivered to a heart gone still.

I loved you like a friend and more,
but never loved you truly,
because "truly" for us was not in store.

I love you now as the lesson I learned,
to help me further shape
the image for which I yearn.

I love you for what you helped me become,
but I know we could not love
the love that makes woman and man one.

In content and peace,
I hug you one last time,
and then you I release.

I can now truly move on,
find what God wants
for me, not what
I used to want.

While I cannot take responsibility
for how you've chosen to receive me
or process the memory
of what we were previously,
I can truly say,

"I did lie to you... you DID hurt me,
and for that alone, I AM sorry."

I am not sorry for where I go,
because in your silence
at least I know
that you have chosen to stay true to your word,
even though I have been too weak
to hold back from being heard.

I let go and let God now,
I will open my heart to let love in,
I pray that if you haven't yet,
you also find what you wish.

Please be at peace, you really are free,
I am nothing to you now but a faded memory.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

in closing one door, another is opened.

the past is the past. when the doors of the past are closed, they are closed for good.

As of May 21, 2012, I have only one door that remains open and belonging to that door is a key sitting on my desk where it has remained since it was left there...

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