
There was the time a cow stood, looking,

In a field, she didn’t move though I walked quite close.

The shine of the Sun through the hills caught me

As all else, and the girls said:

‘Look at him in the sunlight, I would like to be up there…’

As they spoke and smiled, I looked around;

I smiled too, and could see quite a ways,

Everything was such bright green or blue.

The next time, there were different girls, a different cow;

The Sun was on the other side of the Earth,

As were the moon and our neighboring worlds.

That night, that night alone, there were only stars,

That night was the darkest of all, for years.

We crept through a field, in a row, by feel,

We could almost see.

We had a purpose…to look to the sky

Through a lens, an eye, that sees things big

As we can imagine, and as far;

That night, all we saw was a star on its own.

That moment it was as if, in seeing it so, I was there.

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