Learning on Twitter

that we should red flag

on the basis of favorite novel or author


Better not like Ayn Rand

Kerouac is for stunted teenagers

Hemmingway’s wee wee

(even when stricken with rigor mortis)

measured less than his ego.


If you love Dickenson

you must be afraid of the real world

Don’t read Bukowski or Stephen King

or Camille Paglia


The arbiters of their own private

delusion of truth will spurn you


And me, I don’t red flag

any favorite authors or books

but I do blacklist

the self righteous, self superior fools who do


Every person is the summation

of a lot more than simply

a favorite book or author

or flavor of ice cream

or brand of toothpaste

I feel compelled to let them

 Reveal that to me 


Turns out,

My Bukowski disciple gives food

 to the homeless on weekly

My Steinem acolyte only

believes in alms given by others.


I don’t red flag favorite books

or favorite authors

but I may well blacklist the fools

that think they should

It seems to me they’re making

a profound statement 

regarding their own actual worth


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written in response to a thread on twitter where people were discussing favorite novels that presented red flags that a person was to be avoided or not to be engaged with.  I read through and felt that some of them were being facetious but an awful lot of them struck me as being full of shit.

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