An alarm clock ticking

5 minutes fast

is holding up letters

& documents

to & from the IRS


My comb lays on top

of an old Miles Davis tape

“In a Silent Way”

recently upgraded to CD.


There’s mouthwash

 & deodorant

and an empty shot glass

with residue

of blackberry brandy.


And as this music

of the Caribbean continues to play

I weigh the option of

whether or not to do

another shot of brandy.


It’s past midnight

but time has long since

ceased to be an issue.


I splash on some aftershave

and count my money;

$2.87 in change

And 93 dollars in assorted bills.


I haven’t paid my

book club bill yet

and need to have root canal done.


Looks like I better take

that shot of brandy now

otherwise my nerves might

get a little out of sorts

and cause me great stress.


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