A stormy night

Theres peace in me, even in my storms

The rain; falls over me, 

as I get wet and shakey 

my brain disengages from my demons… 

the battles inside me seize the day… 


I could only hear the wind, 

blowing away my worries.. 

my thoughts… 

and I choose to think about nothing… 

I only hear the rain drops on my body… 

the cold; 

It chills the chills in me 

and the “louder” the storm the harder I pray…  and in my solitude, longer I decide to stay… 

my goosebumps sustain 

as my tears merge with the falling rain.. 

my screams are the thunder.. 

my anger is the lightning… 

what for I’m born? I can’t remember….

Author's Notes/Comments: 

March 28/24

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