I love so deeply and I give chances

Extremely shy . I steal the glances 

I care and support, righteously I fought

I was so brave.. or so I thought

A moment of weakness, tinged with despair

To flee? To fight? Do I not dare? 

My heart was shattered, my pride destroyed

My feelings have surfaced , my mind exposed

I am so kind, my heart is golden

The thief in them, my peace have stolen

My longing is weakness, tinged with nightmares

To flee? To chase? What I can’t repair? 

I’m Brutally honest, I know so well.. 

“pogative”, “sappy” and “swean” as hell

I am the opposites, 

I am the virtue, I am the sins

I am the silence and my quite is raucousness

My noise is pleasure and my whispers are pins

Inside my chest I hear the pounding

My soul has left, my brain is groaning

My feelings are weakness, I must foreswear

It’s time to flee, i don’t want to care!

My Abandoned hope Is no more there.. 

no power to fix me… 

And as they say… 

Life’s just not fair! 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dec 31/2023

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