ربما :)


 يجب ان تتلامس الارواح و تترافق الاجساد و تتعلق القلوب و تُجنَّ العقول 

بين الحين و الاخر 

علَّنا نتعلم ان طريقة حبنا لهم هي مايسعدنا، لعلنا نتقبل التجاهل


يجب ان تتعلق و تعشق رغم انفك

 بين الحين و الاخر

 علَّك تفهم ان التعلق بالروائح نفَسٌ.. بِحربٍ و تفاؤل


يجب ان تتهاوى صرخات همساتي

 بين الحين و الاخر

 لتُقبِّل شفتاي روحي بكلِّ امتنانٍ و تساهُل… 


 يجب ان تحزن أذناي مع انغام العالم 

بين الحين و الاخر

 لأحتضن اصداء ضحكتي بكل تكامُل.. 

و ربما..

 يجب ان تُغسل عيناي بالدموع 

بين الحين و الاخر

 لارى العالم بكل الالوانلأُناظِرَهُ بكل تساؤل… 

و بكل تكامُلٍ و بكل تساهُلٍ و بكل تفاؤُلٍ و بكل تجاهل





Author's Notes/Comments: 


January 9



What does it mean when you see 1218 ?


Angel Number 1218 is a message from your angels to have faith and trust in your intuition and inner-knowing, and believe that the angels and the Universe are ensuring that your monetary and financial needs will be met. Give any money worries and/or fears to your angels for healing and transmutation and know that all will be taken care of. Have no fear of stepping towards your goals.


Angel Number 1218 asks you to be open to the flow of giving and receiving and to be grateful for the gifts and blessings of the Universe. You get back what you put out and your thoughts, beliefs, expectations and outlook determine your results, so ensure that they are always positive and optimistic. Allow prosperity to enter your life on all levels and accept gifts graciously with a simple, heart-felt ‘thank you’.


Angel Number 1218 is a message to expect an influx of funds, a win, a promotion or pay rise. Use the extra money wisely, and remember, the more you have, the more you have to share.




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