When I was unbroken

When you told me you missed me,

I may have had butterflies in my stomach ..

as they say…

And then you told me

I am the beautiful sun in your sky

after a cold winter that spent you away. 

I didn’t feel the butterflies, it's historic,

those who had butterflies haven’t known a love sway… 


I’ve had the perfect storm…

it was orchestrated by the big drops of rain;

tapping the drums of my heart,

in slow motion,

the thunder was striking the piano in my brain

as the lightning grinned, it’s eyes were dancing!

The clouds held the sun and vibrated her strings

and the audience was charmed on cloud number nine,

as you dropped the curtains.

The tongue was speechless, it could not sing..

overwhelmed with the lyrics the clouds have have spoken…

a mind block and so, my words..

remained unspoken…  as I was unbroken..

and then again.. i was broken... 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When I was unbroken

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