Go ahead
try to consume the host
but that is confirmation
you want the one who has the most
an evolution that causes confusion
my hair and make up tips
create the copy cat illusion
the greatest of our generation
premeditated preparation
don't forget to interact with the environment
use my words
try to sound like me
cause if you can't get ahead of me
it only filters regret
Characteristics emerge
steal them from me
than fly like a bird
girls adore me
than can be so catty
so cold and evil
chattering cathy
always trying to learn me
only in the end to burn me
go off somewhere where I can't see
relive moments trying to mimic me
Intimidation recreation
so transparent so lost
false accusation
your an absence of anything valid
stole all my secrets and boyfriends
you just want them to check your ballad
so much for girlfriends
emerged artificially
but there is only one me
surviving so randomly
keep on trying
you will never be me!
Save the snickers and sarcasm
it only compliments me.