Just because I think of you
that doesn't mean I want to be with you
I can't image how
Look at the both of us now
Betrayed onto another day
by so many
got tired of waiting by the tracks
trying to catch you pennies
but not no more
cause I have to stop
this could've made me pop
Just because I hear a song
that doesn't mean I want to hear it with you
it was short not long
now it's just words
from a memory time line
you've got yours
I've got mine
Just because I see places
doesn't mean I want to revisit them with you
walking on those locations alone
somethings you can't condone
I just can't pick up the phone
don't want to hear that deep tone
Just because I see people
doesn't mean I want to ask about you
what's done is done
time to let it go
some highs and some lows
no more throwing bows
Just because you read this
doesn't mean I want to correspond with you
what does this do for you
does it give you a high
to read a hidden message in my poetry
the power of goodbye