Lost Walk

There's a haze, a fog, blinding,
darkness enveloping each moment,
uncertain movement, noise echoes,
Rain dripping, collects, falls off,
Feet dragging, pebbles scatter,
the sound of the lost walk,

Fell from the heavens,
Staring up, watching a memory,
formations come and go,
Crumpled memories, wrinkled,
Particular moments still cling,
foggy sight ahead, walking lost,

The rhythm of steps uneven,
Staggering, nearly falling,
Collapse and rest, stand to move,
Deep breath, stumble forward,
Lost direction, uncertain destination,

Smell of dampness, except of then,
Of a time with your scent,
So sweet, when life was complete,
Future laid out ahead, plans made,
Lost now, lonely walk.

Skin threatens to seize, tightening,
the cold bites, gnaws,
being eaten alive now,
Warmth of your touch, fading away,
This is it, caught in limbo, caught in


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