
My name is Jordan Harris. I’m a successful guy with a nice job at a bank, a beautiful wife, and a son. My profession is to give loans to my clients and I get paid with a nice salary. I just live the life most people would dream of. There is only something about me that makes many people dislike me. Dislike comes short, I mean hate. I have a very impolite attitude with many people.

It was Tuesday, I woke up, kissed my wife goodbye and left to work. I arrived at the office and sat down in my desk. A client entered my office. He wanted a loan to build his own clinic. “I will make enough money to pay off the loan in five months,” the man said. I began to laugh. “What is your profession?”, I asked him. “I’m the doctor at the state penitentiary”. I laughed again, rejected the loan, and dismissed the client without saying another word. Rejecting loans was my hobby. It made me feel superior to everyone else.

Later in the afternoon, I had one more client to attend. An old man entered my office and took a seat. “Good afternoon sir. How may I help you?”, I asked him. “I need a loan to buy a house” the man said. “Why would a man your age buy a house?”, I asked. “It’s not for me. My grandson’s bankrupt. He is living on the streets and can barely afford to eat a pack of Beef Jerky”, the man said. “What was your grandson’s profession before ending up on the streets?” I asked. “He started his own band. He dropped out of college, said he would be a famous musician and that he would rock the whole world. He has a severe alcoholism issue. I’m just trying to help him”, the man said. “Maybe your grandson should have thought of living in Planet Earth before being a homeless drunk”, I told him. “Don’t you speak about my son like that! How dare you?! Let me help him, Mr. Harris, please! I can pay off the loan in seven months. “Not good enough”, I said. I rejected the loan and dismissed the man. “You will regret this, you treat people like trash. What goes around comes around”, said the old man and left. I just ignored him and considered another rejected loan without importance.

I left the office at 5:00 and started the car. I picked up my son from soccer practice and drove on our way home. I was just driving when suddenly, like a bullet from the night, a van crashed against us with a greater force than you can imagine. I hit my head and I was knocked out.

The next thing I know, I’m lying on the table in this unfamiliar place. I’m greeted by a stranger, a man without a face. He gave me a strange pill and I took it. I closed my eyes, and fell unconscious.

I woke up in an abandoned, dark, and creepy house. I went upstairs and saw the faceless man. He turned around, removed his mask and said “Hello Jordan”. “You. Where’s my son?!”, I said. “Dead. Like mine. You killed my son. You denied him shelter and he died on the streets with his bottle of vodka in his hand”, said the old man. “I.. I didn’t want to hurt your son.. I..”, I said, but the old man interrupted. “All you had to do was think of other people who don’t have the same privileges you have. You live a great life and your pride has you rejecting loans and ruining people’s lives. I told you, what goes around comes around” “I.. I just want my son back. Let me fix this, however I can”, I said. The old man snapped his fingers and suddenly everything faded.

I woke up in my bed, the same Tuesday morning. I ran downstairs and saw my son having breakfast. He looked at me and said “Hi, daddy”. I hugged him and began to cry. My wife came downstairs and took my son to school. I went to work and the same doctor from the state penitentiary came to ask me for the same loan. I approved his loan and dismissed him. I looked out the window and I saw the old man in the building in front of me. He was looking at me and made a thumbs up.

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