Sticks & Stones

So sick of living in a place

Where I know I don't belong

So tired of hearing all the whispers

Chant “just push through, and be strong”

The truth, they believe, is far from fact

For they only hear just one side

The biased opinions stream endlessly

Which I can no longer abide

My mind wears, my heart breaks

I become weak, tears begin to fall

Who knew only words could break one down

To feel so belittled, so small

Is there any point in speaking up for oneself

Knowing what ridicule lies ahead?
Should I bury what hope I clung to so tight,

And just accept my fate instead?

I could give in, yes, I could let them win

They, throwing their sticks and stones

Or I could break free, overcome the assault

Though it shall leave me standing alone

The pros and the cons of an eternal strife

Exhausts the soul and the mind

To just “let it go” as so many say


Is easily said, harder to find.

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