Childhood Misery

Hiding within this pit of misery

With arms gripping my chest tight

I wait in agony for your foot steps

And stifle a gut wrenching sob


Quickly, I gasp

Holding in the very breath you gave me

As I fear I may have heard you coming

And so I swallow my tears


With the quickness of a predator on the hunt

You stand before me, hands on your hips

The sounds escape from your lips

But all I hear is a shriek 


As time moves slowly, I make out the words

Of how utterly useless my existence is

Of the troubling past that is your own

And the joys stripped from you as a child


Your words shake within my core

As your hand reaches out to show your disdain 

A thud reverberates through my head

As your hand meets my cheek 


Too frightened to fight you off

I fall to the floor in pain

Your words flowing in my veins

As I hold my hands to my head

And wait for you to be finished with me


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written: 9/4/23

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