
I cannot think nor can I speak

But the words on the tip of my tongue swirl around me

Like a thundering storm chaotically enveloping me

If there was a way to see what hides beneath

If I knew how to breathe



Out the right phrase

Maybe the storm would settle, and the skies would clear

The sun would shine, and I could say


Nothing floats to the front of my mind

The storm brews inside, and collides with my mind

Holding me under, taking my breath away

My heart beats faster, as my sanity sinks further

Drifts farther

As I lose all sense of time

If I could take hold of the reins and somehow make this end 

If I could fight these feelings that leave me breathless

And take back the calm, my center

But there is no left, right, or middle of my chest

Just this cloud of dust filling my lungs with lead

Words enter the storm and swirl around my mind

No hope of release from this suffocating ache

Or the tightness of body from the constriction

I can not speak my mind, as the numbness builds inside

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written: 11/8/18

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