Just a simple glance from your eye,
A few innocent minutes of yout time,
Listen get to know these dreams of mine,
Hold me- dry the tears everynight I cry,
Give me what I never had as a child,
Hold my hand walk with me through lifes treacherous mile,
Love me regardless of mt thugish style,
Dont push me in a corner so its only me and myself,
Reach out to me when I scream for help,
I seek your hand within my own,
In your year eye's I shine like gold,
Jut a second of your attention,
A thought of me never mentioned
As if a soul fotten,
A soul fearful and forgotten,
Ignored no young,
Alone, quiet words never slip fomr my tounge,
Just a simple glance from your eye,
A few innocent seconds of your time,
Needed, wanted, seeked attention.