Loves distraction

Smile and laughter,

Beneath tears of sorrow,

In a distance admiring,

Stunning beauty,

Captivating eye's,

Addicting kiss,

Urdge of thoughts forbiddin,

Reminising the past,

Heart begins to beat fast,

Hear hand dry's ters cried,

A smile warmth a cold heart,

Conversation to distract from the one missed,

Sweet soft kiss to replace anothers,

Darkness consumes days light,

Exhausting from sleepless nights,

Eye's empty of emotions,

Suffering from loves devestations,

Searching for a loves distraction,

Constantly wanting to return to the past,

Forget the distance apart,

Rewind time erase it from exsistance,

Anothers touch can never substitute,

Just a short, never lasting distraction,

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nov 10 05

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