No one knows

No one knows what its like to hate your self more then your father who raped you,

No one knows what its like to hate your self more then your mother who constantly beats you,

No one knows what its like to live a day in my pain,

Walking in skin covered in self mutilating scars,

Surrounded by people who you only blend in with becuase of the color of your skin,

Judged, critisized, hated for every choice you make,

No one knows  whats its like to hate your self more then your best friend who stabbed you in your back,

No one knows whats its like to look in the mirrow and know your the reason your so Fucked up,

Afraid to show love and be loved,

To cry everynight cause your alone,

To throw a temper because you dont get the attention you want,

No one knows whats its like to huddle in your bath room crying becuase you over hear a conversation about you,

No one knoss what its like to be depressed and refuse to eat,

Wanting it end the hell hole people call life,

No one knows what its like to be me.

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