Things I’ve learned about job and career

It truly does not even matter what you decide to do. Just make sure two things are true. 

  1. You have passion, ambition, drive
  2. Your income is halal. 

Nothing else matters because your Rizka is sent from Allah, and if you choose a job you don’t like it will suck the joy out of your life and fill it with stress and anger. 


If I could think of the top job I’d want to have it would probably be a Yoga instructor. I love writing, and publishing Childrens books is something I dream of doing. But I don’t want it to be my job. I don’t want my livelihood to come from it because it will feel like a burden to me. It will feel like homework. Like something nagging at me to do if I’m not doing it. I don’t want to hate it. I would love to have an all girls yoga class to help moms decompress, destress, and gain strength. Maybe one day I’ll do that. A service that stops in the classroom and it’s done. I’m going to do it one day inshallah 

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