


This world is a glamorous lie, promising beauty and satisfaction

Yet within it is a chase, a race, with each step no traction 

A slippery, uphill battle full of eagerness and hope

A promise broken, with no remorse for whose heart it broke 

In moments you feel fulfilled, in the running for first place 

But just around the corner, like a mirage, it disintegrates 

You look within, wondering why you always fall short

Frustrated, disappointed, shameful with what you lack to bring forth

Yet when you open your eyes

You realize

In whose palm it is you lay

The metaphorical hand of Allah, you hadn’t seen amongst all your dismay

Broken and lost you lay vulnerable, seeking comfort and direction

Until Allah shows you the world and all its illusions of perfection

There is no home away from here, no place to mend your heart 

You can never be whole in this lustrous world while your soul and Allah are apart 


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