Do YOU know why I am here today?
Because no one listens to me at home
Because I had a show to hang.
An art show to me, to them just a thang.
Do YOU know why I am here today?
Because I like to write, paint and listen to the city,
Because at home things feel totally shitty.
Do YOU know why I am here today?
Because I like beer!
I like listening to people and their stories,
Because I like what others can't hear!
Do YOU know why I am here today?
To be inspired, to inspire,
To get caught in the rain and perspire!
I am here today to hang a show and buy a tomato,
An advacado and I bought an expensive, frozen, grande, hazelnut mochachino
Do YOU really know why I am here today?
Well it was to hang a show, hang out with a friend and avoid my flow!
I am here tonight to have a good time
To live in the moment
To write a poem and recite it at the Goldmine!