Onward into Battle

Acres of death, oceans of blood

seep into the battle ground,

the dust and sands of the earth

mingling with the blood of

young boys playing soldiers.

Young boys as soldiers,

what lives are at stake

in this war-torn upbringing?

A machine gun burst or bomb shell

Sending them to an earthen grave.

As they sent to their graves,

they whisper and call out for mother

as if death were opened arms.

Others merely cry out and wail,

taking away the living’s sleep.

As the living lose their sleep,

their future is forever ruined.

The war will never end for them.

Too young, but also too old,

they shall be traumatized for life.

Forever being scarred by the war,

with their sleep haunted by the death rattles of comrades,

The earth becoming the tomb

of young boys playing soldiers, who marched

onward mercilessly to triumph or failure.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Using two halves of a line in Immolation's "A Thunderous Consquence", I kept the song's anti-war and the effects of  war on young soliders theme had and tried to expand and write my own interpertations of it. Not much else to say besides that the song has one of the greatest outros ever.



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