A Flash of Feeling and my Life

A sense of wonder and care,
Of instincts and memory,
Of worry and love,
Of caring and sacrifice,
This is how I feel,
Those memories I hold so dear
Are coming back to me now,
How I wish that I could see,
All my loved ones with me,
I just hope that they are safe,
And that I live to see
At least one more day,
But without my loved ones,
Who I hold so dear,
I would be nothing
Except for just a girl,
A girl who cannot love or care.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was inspired by this one day when there was a tornado and I was scared and I was sitting in my basement wishing that my family was there if it was the day I died and so I would know that there okay, and hoping that they are safe and make it out okay.

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