The Gentle Lullaby

Now listen closely to my tale
Of brave warriors, beautiful fairies, and wicked witches
Who fight against a common foe,
The only reason they work as one

There’s a faint sound on the wind
Carried by the gentle breeze of tomorrow
It brings a message from the gods
Telling of tomorrow
It brings us hope in our darkest hour
When we need it most

Today this breeze brings hope to many
Many fierce warriors, brave fairies, and wicked witches
This breeze carries a gentle sound,
And if you listen closely
You can hear the sound
The sound of a gentle lullaby

This gentle lullaby combined
Combined with the gentle spring breeze
Brings hope and happiness to those
Fighting a powerful foe
But tomorrow won’t be so easy
Not as easy as this gentle lullaby’s job is now

On this day of doubt and fear
A fierce torrent comes
It comes to replace the gentle breeze
And make that gentle lullaby’s job even harder

The enemy approaches,
Planning an attack so fierce
So fierce it could destroy them all,
They’re hope is all but lost right now,
For this is when they need it most

The gentle lullaby arrives
Just in time to give them hope,
Before they lost it all

With their hope they fight and fight,
But they lose more hope with each battle,
They know the enemy could’ve destroyed them easily,
Yet they haven’t yet,
So they try and try and try,
As they get weaker and weaker

Finally there’s a gentle breeze,
Amidst the torrents it comes so small
It slowly reaches it’s destination
And reaches each and every one of them,
Everyone who fights for the whole of the world

With their hope full again
They manage to keep the enemies at bay,
They hold them back just long enough for
For their strongest member to come,
And with her arrival comes her powers,
And this fairy so divine
Starts to fight the three evil witches

These witches won’t be easily beat
As they all have some of the flame’s power,
But the fairy whom they are all counting on
Defeats the three witches,
They are sent to be purified
So they can be at peace

And so the gentle breeze returns
With the gentle lullaby
And the coming of spring

And thus the tale ends here,
This was not the beginning though,
And I can not tell you it
For I do not know it.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first poem! Let me know what you think! ^-^

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