

another sleepless night in bed

thoughts running through my head

she has been living in a bubble all these years

nothing to worry about, nothing to fear

always enough smiles to go around

never bothering to even look down

and I wonder


if you gave her tears would she even know what to do with them

and if you tore her world apart would she even see it

if you stold all of her smiles from her face

would there be more inside of her to take their place

if you let her drown just once this time

would she still tell her friends she's fine

all she has known in this world is happiness and love

and darkness never seems to block the light from the sun

and she has a gift for making everyone laugh each day

no room for doubt, no room inside her for pain

and she looks in the mirror and likes who she sees

while so many of us look and see our worst enemy

and I wonder


what would she say?

what would she do?

would she curse your name?

and put the blame on you?

cause she thinks it is so easy

to praise you each day

but would she still

if you took everything away?


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