I've been searching for a hero to rescue me
I have been a prisoner for so long, I want to be free
so one by one the men came in their knight in shining armor
but it just wasn't right cause my heart kept getting darker
wasn't there anyone who could save me from this prison
that so long ago I decided to lock myself within
all that I thought a hero would be fell to pieces on the floor
and I found out who was the real hero who would save me once more
He's my hero
who hung upon a cross
nails in his hands and feet
and his head filled with thorns
he's my hero
my savior and my friend
Jesus Christ
my personal superman
he has come to save the day for me so many times before
he has glued my broken heart so many times how could I ignore
he doesn't have a cape, he doesn't fly around the world
but you can find comfort and saving in his word
he may not have an S written on the front of his shirt
but you can be sure that he has come to heal all your hurt
it may not be the rescue that you were waiting for
but he will give you all you need and so much more
my superman's secret identity
is the one who died on a cross on calvary
died to save me from sin and set me free
sacrificed himself and died for me
he is forever the only hero I idolize
he is the one I call to when my heart cries
he is my Lord and my savior, the only one for me
the silent hero that set every single person free